Support the places you fish

Maryland Brook Trout Regulations
Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is currently considering two (2) new proposed brook trout regulations. These regulations are designed to further protect and sustain a critical and unique native species in Maryland.
We'd like to thank all of our members who advocated on behalf of these proposed changes during the scoping period earlier this year. The regulatory change process is currently in the formal public comment period and we are asking our members to once again voice their support.
TAKE ACTION NOW: We are encouraging TPFR members to participate in the public comment phase. The easiest way to provide your support and feedback is to complete the brief online questionnaire. Please feel free to use this language in your personal, additional comments to the questionnaire:
"As a Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders member and avid angler in Maryland, I fully support the adoption of both proposed regulations. I believe these regulations will further protect our existing stock of native brook trout across the state. In addition, these regulations will help increase the chances that these same brook trout populations grow into more robust, sustainable resources for future generations of anglers in Maryland to enjoy."

Doing your part
Part of being a responsible angler is doing your part to take care of the Potomac River and its watershed. Not only is clean and healthy water important for a healthy fishery, but nearly 5 million folks rely on the Potomac River for drinking water. Here are some key links and numbers to keep on your phone to report any environmental concerns including hazardous material spills, wetland violations, failing construction barriers, fish kills, poaching, etc.